It seems I’m never too old to learn. I’ve recently turned seventy and shortly thereafter attracted yet another learning opportunity. Dang! They just keep coming.


For decades I’ve seen and heard the same people write, speak, and be interviewed about our human potential and unusual phenomena. I concluded that these people and their media interviewers are closed to the ideas and practices of regular people like me. We’re in the trenches of personal transformation. And we’re doing great work from which others can benefit. My judgments about this generated a strong feeling that I’m a victim of a rigged system that refuses to let me in. I’ve judged these people as know-it-alls and their interviewers as thinking these are the only people who know anything about personal growth. From this belief and feeling judgmental about them, a chip sprouted on my shoulder. It separated me from these people.

With hindsight, I see that my belief about such gurus also played out in my forty-five-year career as an architect. It separated me from some of my colleagues in architecture. Their projects were consistently being recognized and published over mine. This belief is now playing out in my new career as an author and speaker wanting to share my deeply personal stories of transformation.


Recently, I was contacted by a woman based in Los Angeles. She had read this blog and read an excerpt from my book at,  www.info-eyesinthemirror.com. She was impressed with my command of the subject matter and my self-revealing writing style. Further, she asked if she could interview me and promised that this interview would be included in her upcoming online summit with twenty-five notable interviewees. I gladly accepted her invitation. Perhaps I’d “made it!” At last, maybe I’d just broken the barrier into the club of writers and thinkers about  human transformation from ego-centric to Soul guided. 

Next as promised, I received her followup email containing a form asking me for a short bio, headshot, and a statement about the subject matters I’d like to cover during her interview. I filled out the form. Then I got to a previously unspoken requirement: Interviewees for this summit are required to have an email contact list of at least 5000 people. Judgments flooded into my thoughts and my hackles bristled.  Damn! She’s only interested in those same old voices. I submitted her form anyway saying truthfully that I have a 250 person contact list. I suspected that she’d deceived me.

The following day I received her next email disqualifying me from being interviewed and participating in her online summit.  Once again, I was right about “those people.” I was furious, defensive, and felt victimized. Then, hoping to salvage an opportunity to share my story and vision, I appealed to her with reasons why my authentic new voice would help her reach new and larger audiences. She rejected my appeal.


Then I caught myself in an inspired instant. I realized that my angry reactions have nothing to do with her or those gurus of human potential. I was inspired to ask myself three questions:

1. Do I have beliefs that keep me feeling separate from others?

2. How can my beliefs expand my Self-Awareness?

3. Where is this separating belief leading me?

Answering these questions, I realized that the strong energy behind my disdain for certain others attracts separating experiences to me. My strong feelings fulfilled the like attracts like principle. Feeling separate arose from deep in my subconscious specifically to expand my sense of connectedness with these people. The purpose of these experiences is for me to remember my Oneness with others. I’ve learned that the more connected I feel, the more fulfilling my life becomes. Now, when feelings of separateness arise within me, I know that an expanded sense of Oneness is soon available to me.

I’ve discovered that my purpose in life is to expand my Self-Awareness as a conscious creator. To assist in achieving that purpose, I’m becoming acutely aware of my thoughts and feelings as my creative tools. I’m learning that I’m never a victim because the energies behind my thoughts and feelings are always attracting new events in my life. From each of my separating experiences, I’m gaining wisdom about life on Earth. I‘m now able to laugh at my silliness in feeling separate. I no longer need lessons in this particular brand of separation.

I’m devoted to this Self-Discovery process.  It always leads me back to my origin where I remember that Oneness is inescapable. Then, I’m filled with joy. I’m more often now consciously creating unifying experiences. Perhaps by sharing my separating experiences with you, you can remember our Oneness more quickly than I. 


Albert Moore is the author of Eyes In The Mirror, Everything Changed When He Met His Soul. He resides in Richmond, VA where he mentors individuals and groups in practices of Self-Mastery.